Friday, June 10, 2011


Today Marks My One Year Of Poi Dancing And Crazy Spinning

I can't believe that it has been a year since I first spin that pair of sock with a ball inside. I still remember how excited I am to try poi spinning, well it hit me couple of times... but I didn't quit. It makes me really happy whenever I learn a new move and show it off to my classmates. :) I want to thank my instructors, Roki Ferrer and Micmic Callo, for their patience in teaching me. It is still fresh in my mind when I had my first burn (First burn is when I am allowed to spin it with fire). It was scary at first, but after that you'll get addicted to it. It was a year of bruises and cuts, burned hair and blisters. >_<

My Monkey Fist Fire Set. A Gift From Aunt Joy

People always ask me why my fire name is called Fudo. Fudo is a japanese deity, he is the god of fire and wisdom. I want to embody his fiery quality and wisdom not just in dancing but also in my everyday life.

I never thought that poi dancing would become a part of my life. It has become my hobby and my passion. It has given me so much... things that I never thought would happen, places i've been to, and friends i've met because of poi. :)

My First "Out Of Town" gig with Jaytee Macaraniag

Manila Hotel Performance Using Flowlights

Crazy And Wacky Planet Zips QC... i love these guys! =)

It is my goal to improve my skills and share this talent to others. I just need more practice, I mean a lot of practice :))

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